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Basic Info

Let's discover SetApp in less than 5 minutes.

Getting Started

This tool check your global package manager configuration and will install the projects generated according to this.

Have in mind 😉

For now we support NPM and YARN, PNPM will be added soon

What you'll need

  • Node.js version 16.14 or above:

    • When installing Node.js, you are recommended to check all checkboxes related to dependencies.
  • Git

  • Github CLI

Generate a new project

Please, Run:

npx @set-app/cli test-react

And just don't forget to replace test-react for your project name.

The basic template will generate a new react project with:

Have in mind 😉

The command also setups a public Github project with a .gitignore too. And of course, a beautiful

Full transparency

All preconfigure with the correspondant files and ready to be change as you may need

Example Site

The example project generated contains a basic example of some of the functionality that you could use and get inspire for your site:

  • Error Boundary
  • Vitest Unit Tests
  • React Portals
  • React Context
  • React Router
  • React-Query
  • React-Router
  • Controlled Forms
  • Lazy Loading

Please, check it out here

Git History consistency

Tools like: husky, commitizen and commitlint will help you to adopt a git commit strategy and prevent you to upload not suitable code to your remote repository! 👌🏻

By default conventional commits is prestablish but you can change it for some that suits you. Processes like linting, format, typecheck and tests are running on the behalve before every commit is made, so we avoid to found issues too late! 😣. If you are interesting on how is done or want to configure in a different way, we recommend you to read your blog for more info about this topic! 😉

Your site commands

yarn dev

The yarn dev command serves your project through a development server, ready for you to view at http://localhost:5173

yarn build

The yarn build command builds your project locally and leave you the posibility to deploy it in: Netlify, Vercel, etc.

yarn format

The yarn format command will format your ts and tsx according to prettier default configuration.

yarn lint

The yarn lint command outputs any Eslint error detected in your ts and tsx files in a friendly way.

yarn typecheck

The yarn typecheck command outputs any Typescript error detected in your ts and tsx files that not going to let you build your project.

yarn test

The yarn test command will run Vitest example tests or any tests that has the extension .test.ts or .spec.ts.

yarn test:coverage

The yarn test:coverage command runs Vitest coverage generator (C8) to generate a coverage report of your project.